Pay attention to this after IVF
In vitro fertilization is a method that couples usually use after long attempts at natural pregnancy. Of course, in vitro fertilization treatment can be tedious and difficult both financially and morally compared to natural pregnancy. In particular, the tension and hot flashes that come with making a decision about treatment, anxiety about the outcome during treatment, possible setbacks, and more can make IVF treatment difficult for expectant mothers and fathers. In this regard, the main goal is to get the most successful result from this IVF treatment, which has some spiritual, physical and financial requirements, and to be able to leave the hospital with a healthy pregnancy and live birth with a baby in her hand. Therefore, for IVF treatment to be successful or increase the chances of success, many factors need to be addressed, such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, work, and social life.
10 important recommendations for implantation after IVF
Is it possible to increase the chances of implantation after IVF transfer? This is a question that all IVF patients ask, and it’s actually normal. The embryo transfer was successful, the expectant mother is in a very emotional period and if the only expectation is pregnancy, then everyone is ready to do anything to keep the embryo in the uterus. Here are 10 very helpful tips that will increase your chances of implantation after IVF embryo transfer.
Many functions in the body are highly dependent on psychological factors. In this context, after an embryo transfer, it will be beneficial for a woman to take time for herself, focus on activities that she enjoys, and get plenty of rest. Implantation is carried out 1-5 days after the transfer of the blastocyst. It is best to take a vacation during the week of the embryo transfer or even during this 10 day period. There is no evidence that being alone at home will help you succeed in this process, but it is also known that it will be beneficial to conduct this process peacefully. Stay at home, take light walks, watch your favorite movie, do something to de-stress your life, or if your workplace is very quiet, continue your work even if it makes you happy. Provide the best environment for your soul.
Research shows that blastocysts, i.e. day 5 embryos, have a higher implantation rate than day 2 or 3 embryos. More advanced and higher quality embryos are needed to increase the likelihood of implantation after IVF. Of course, the treating doctor will say that success can be achieved with day 3 embryos, and the doctor will give the most accurate recommendations in this regard. But if Embryosdevelop into good quality blastocysts, the situation may improve and the chances of success increase. Implantation is even more likely with good embryo selection and blastocyst transfer.
The development of embryos created in the IVF laboratory is, of course, independent of the patient. However, the fact is that first-class embryos increase the chances of success. If the mother-to-be is over 40, the truth is that eggs and embryos frozen at an early age provide the highest implantation rates. However, if this is not possible, blastocyst transfer is certainly worth considering.
Embryo transfer cannot be performed if the endometrial mucosa (uterine lining, intrauterine wall) is too thin. Because it is difficult for the embryo to attach to the insufficiently thickened uterine lining. It is very important to control how much the uterine lining thickens during IVF treatment. On the day of embryo transfer, the uterine mucosa should be at least 7 mm – 8 mm or more. When embryos are transferred into the thinner lining of the uterus, the chance of pregnancy is very low. In this regard, the thickness of the uterine mucosa should be checked at least 4 days before the start of progesterone. Thus, if necessary, it is possible to increase the thickness of the uterine membrane due to the additional intake of estrogen.
• Look out for foods that are believed to increase the chance of embryo attachment!
There is a lot of evidence that eating pineapple is beneficial for embryo attachment in the post-IVF embryo transfer period. The same goes for green tea, raspberry leaves, bananas, soybeans, and many other so-called “implant foods.” All this is complete nonsense. Because if certain foods are needed to increase the capacity of the uterus to accept an embryo, they are prescribed by the IVF doctor. But there is no medically valid “implantation food list”.
It is absolutely dangerous to focus the attachment of the embryo to the uterus on certain foods. Because in this process, turning to certain food groups can do more harm than good. Such lists of products distract the patient from the things that he needs to do. Instead, it is recommended to start a balanced, healthy and nutritionally oriented diet at least 3 months before starting IVF treatment. In this context, avoiding processed foods, limiting sugar intake, eating good carbs, eating oily fish twice a week, not neglecting proteins and legumes, and taking folic acid would be the best diet for fertility.
• Progesterone is essential for uterine receptivity!
The hormone progesterone is definitely good for reproductive function, good for the uterus. Progesterone makes the uterine lining receptive to the embryo. From the day of egg retrieval, it is necessary to prepare the uterine membrane so that the uterus can easily hold the embryos. Normally, the lining of the uterus thickens naturally, but we can make this even more possible by taking progesterone supplements. There is no miracle progesterone pill that suddenly thickens the lining of the uterus. But injections of progesterone release this hormone into the body slowly and evenly. In IVF treatment, progesterone injections, given on the recommendation of a doctor, create the most suitable environment for implantation.
One of the clear data about reproduction is that older women produce lower quality eggs. Another fact is that embryos produced by older women have a higher risk of having chromosomal abnormalities. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is recommended for screening for chromosomal problems and specific diseases if the expectant mother is over 40 years of age and does not have eggs frozen at a younger age for IVF. While this may not be true for everyone, genetic screening has evolved over the past few years and the new a-CGH method is showing promising results. In this regard, in women over 35 years of age, seeing a specialist in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) may increase the likelihood of implantation.
Applications such as embryo glue, a camera system that speeds up embryo development, uterine analysis that predicts the most productive period for embryo transfer may be good, but we say “maybe”. The truth is that, unfortunately, there are no definitive results in randomized medical trials that the level of effectiveness of these applications is too high. Many of the expensive treatments are claimed to improve implantation rates. Until we see more research on the subject, it’s best not to listen to these claims too much. However, here it is necessary to rely on the traditional light microscope, which has been used for a long time and has proven its role in success, and, of course, on the skill of embryologists. It is useful to pay attention to the experience of the team of embryologists of the clinic where treatment is carried out, to the technological base and equipment of the clinic, and to control this.
Implantation bleeding is common after embryo transfer during IVF. It is helpful to look for light, smearing, pink or brown discharge in the first days after the transfer. If this spotting is accompanied by mild cramps in the groin, the IVF treatment may be going well. However, we should not forget that no matter what happens, you must not stop taking the drugs prescribed by your doctor. It is necessary to wait a few more days to find out if the pregnancy has occurred. You should calmly wait for the day indicated by the doctor for a pregnancy test in the blood.
In IVF treatment, endometrial scratching, that is, the process of scratching the uterine wall so that the embryo can attach to the uterus, is becoming more and more popular every day. Research results on this topic certainly look promising. In the days leading up to menstruation at the start of an IVF cycle, surgical scraping of the uterine lining can better prepare the uterus for implantation. It may be right to ask the treating specialist if he or she will do this.
It is necessary to stay away from hot weather and hot water from the beginning to the end of IVF treatment, even when attempting a natural pregnancy. Therefore, if implantation is desired, no hot water baths. Definitely don’t fill a bathtub with hot water and lie in it for a long time, sit or bathe in hot water. There is strong evidence that it can be harmful. Therefore, it is useful to play it safe from the beginning to the end of IVF treatment. In this process, a quick and warm shower lasting several minutes is sufficient. Baths with hot water should be postponed for several weeks.
There may be seizures after embryo transfer!
Seizures during IVF treatment can be a source of concern for some and a hope for others. The reason for the feeling of fear and anxiety during seizures is the idea that this may be a sign of IVF treatment failure. Cramps during IVF treatment can be a sign of implantation and possibly a sign of pregnancy. There is both good and bad news about this. Because mild pelvic cramps and discomfort are very common after embryo transfer in IVF treatment. During this period, cramps can be a symptom of the menstrual cycle or a possible sign of pregnancy.
In vitro fertilization drugs and procedures are very effective for the functions of the reproductive organs. A buildup of fluid around the ovaries can cause pelvic tenderness and bloating, and this soreness is likely to continue until you have your period or a pregnancy blood test is done. If pregnancy occurs, pelvic discomfort may persist for several weeks. There may also be mild cramping in the days immediately after the egg retrieval procedure and then the embryo transfer. While mild or moderate cramps may be normal in this process, if these cramps do not go away with time and become unbearable, a doctor should be called.
When to call a doctor for seizures?
If the seizures are particularly severe, severe bleeding or nausea accompanying the seizures, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is because these may be symptoms of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) or ovarian torsion. These conditions require immediate medical attention.
Spotting or bleeding may occur after embryo transfer!
Light spotting is common after embryo transfer. According to current research, spotting can occur with a 7-42% chance with IVF treatment. There may be slight staining in the luteal phase after egg retrieval, embryo transfer, or later. Any unusual bleeding during this period should be reported to the doctor. However, the appearance of spots in itself is not necessarily a good or bad sign. Spotting that occurs during the 2-week waiting period from embryo transfer to pregnancy blood testing is sometimes referred to as implantation bleeding. Implantation staining is believed to be caused by the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall.
Another possible cause of IVF bleeding is the ingestion of progesterone through vaginal suppositories. Vaginal suppositories with progesterone can cause increased sensitivity of the cervix. Sexual intercourse during this period can also cause light spotting, which is nothing to worry about.
When should I call a doctor in case of bleeding during IVF treatment?
If the amount of bleeding is excessive or is accompanied by pain or severe spasms, it is recommended that you seek immediate medical attention.
Is it possible to have sexual intercourse during IVF treatment or not?
A common belief about sexual intercourse during IVF treatment is that couples should avoid intercourse at some or all stages of the process. Some doctors are concerned that sexual intercourse during this period may lead to infection or adversely affect the implantation of the embryo. However, other doctors believe that this is normal and even recommend sex after IVF. As usual, couples who have concerns about intercourse should consult with their healthcare provider.
A 2000 study in Australia examined whether sexual intercourse was harmful in IVF treatment. This study not only showed that sexual intercourse was not harmful, but also showed that couples who had sex during embryo transfer had higher pregnancy rates 6–8 weeks after the transfer. This study also showed that sperm from intercourse during IVF plays a positive role in embryo implantation and development.
Resting place in the 2-week period after embryo transfer
It was once common practice to offer women bed rest after an embryo transfer. Bed rest recommendations ranged from 10 minutes of lying down after transfer to a five-day recovery period. As common as this practice is, studies show that there is no benefit from bed rest during the 2-week waiting period. In other words, we can say that there is no need for bed rest after embryo transfer. In fact, some research has shown that bed rest can have negative effects in this process. According to the results of these studies, those who get up immediately after an embryo transfer and continue to lead a normal life have higher pregnancy rates and a lower risk of miscarriage.
In light of the above information, if your doctor has prescribed bed rest for you, it may indeed be necessary. Due to the unique characteristics of each woman, her needs in this process are also different. It is important to know if the doctor is giving this advice to heed only to make the woman feel better, or if there are special reasons that require it. However, if the doctor did not recommend it, emphasizing it, it would be right to continue to lead a normal life and engage in normal daily activities without tiring oneself, instead of carrying out this process in bed. Because research shows that those who continue their daily routine are more likely to succeed.
Link between stress and IVF success
Here’s some good news for you: there is no stress to worry about with IVF treatment. Two large studies on the subject show that stress levels do not adversely affect IVF outcomes, as long as they are not too high. But researchers say IVF causes stress, which is no surprise. In addition, the thought of giving up IVF can also cause depression and anxiety. In this context, it is important for the patient’s own well-being to seek professional support to help manage the stress associated with treatment. Feeling alone in this process reduces the chances of success and creates unhappiness.
Recommendations for reducing stress in IVF Treatment
What are the symptoms of pregnancy during IVF treatment?
Can changes such as breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, cramps, and spotting during the 2-week period after embryo transfer in IVF treatment be a sign that the treatment has been successful?
Here’s the truth; All of these symptoms can occur during or without pregnancy. In fact, even if there are no signs of pregnancy, pregnancy could have occurred. If you think about it, it may seem ridiculous, but some women show numerous signs of pregnancy, while others may not.
During IVF treatment, pregnancy symptoms can occur due to the side effects of progesterone supplements, infertility medications taken, and even stress. Who doesn’t feel nauseous and tired during IVF treatment? In this context, women should try not to worry too much about how they feel.
Pregnancy tests during IVF treatment
When it comes to IVF, it’s probably normal to expect a urine pregnancy test as soon as possible. But here are some very good reasons not to take a pregnancy test too soon. These:
Level of beta-hCG in the blood and twins
In the years when IVF methods were first used, multiple pregnancies, such as twins and triplets, were very common. However, since no more than two embryos can legally be transferred into the uterus at present, singleton pregnancies and sometimes twin pregnancies are possible. In a multiple pregnancy, the value of Beta-hCG in a pregnancy test in the blood may be higher than in a single pregnancy. In this regard, if there is a Beta-hCG value that is significantly higher than normal, serious thoughts about pregnancy with twins may arise. Although it is not entirely correct to make such an interpretation just by looking at the value of the pregnancy hormone in the blood, it is worth saying that the probability is high. In addition, if the result of an early pregnancy test is negative, you should not worry too much. After a few days, the values can be checked again by retesting. This is because normal hCG levels can change slightly as pregnancy progresses. Similarly, if the beta hCG value on a pregnancy test is at the level of a singleton pregnancy, this should not be considered a definite single baby. Because if there is a twin pregnancy again, it may be right to retest because the hormone value will increase in a short time. But an ultrasound is the only real way to tell if a pregnancy is a singleton or twins.